Wednesday, May 25, 2011

To My Greatest Love....

I have spent so long thinking, crafting this letter in my mind and heart. The joyful news you had made my heart crumble. I have given the support you sought when all of me screamed that you should not carry through. Sadly, it seems not all love stories have a happy ending for both.

By the end of today your life saga will close one book and begin a new one, not simply a chapter. In this new book, you may have references and even cameos of past characters, however, my role as a core and even secondary character comes to a close. No, I am not abandoning you, cutting you off or cutting you out. But, for me I have to leave your story... for you toward me I believe Auron put it best. "This is my story, and you have no part in it."

So with a heavy, broken heart I have to say this... Good bye, my love.